Medicines and Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare

In 2024, in lieu of a Medicines Roundtable, an online webinar event on was held on Wednesday 27 November, hosted by VicTAG and Safer Care Victoria. 

The recordings of the event presentations are available below:


Welcome and opening remarks      

Briana Baass, Chief Allied Health Officer, SCV and Paul Toner, Chair VicTAG

Medications for anaesthesia and beyond - balancing patient care & environmental concerns

A/Prof Forbes McGain, Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Physician, Footscray ICU Director, Western Health, Associate Dean Sustainable Healthcare, University of Melbourne

The National Sustainable Asthma Care Roadmap 

Dr Mike Forrester, Consultant paediatrician – Barwon Health, Vic Chair – Doctors for the Environment Australia, Snr Research Fellow. Clinical Lead - Sustainable Health Network, Institute for Health Transformation, Faculty of Health, Deakin University

Championing change in environmental sustainability

Grace Wong, Medication Safety Pharmacist - the Royal Women's Hospital, and Founder Pharmacists for the Environment Australia

New directions – an overview of Climate Health Victoria

Heidi Matkovich, Director Climate Health Victoria

Piloting the Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience Healthcare Module

James Katte, Manager, Digital Mental Health and Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare, National Standards, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 

One hospital pharmacy department’s journey towards environmental sustainability

A/Prof Simone Taylor, Senior Pharmacist - Emergency Medicine and Research, Pharmacy Department, Austin Health, Associate Professor, Department of Critical Care, University of Melbourne



The Medicines Roundtable is an event hosted by VicTAG and Safer Care Victoria.  It is for Victorian clinicians with an interest in medication safety and quality, and it provides an opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues.

The 2023 Medicines Roundtable was held on Thursday 5th October where attendees heard the latest on anticoagulant safety and stewardship, medication risks at transitions of care from the perspectives of a consumer, GP and hospital pharmacists, equity of access and sustainability for high cost medicines, managing critical medicines shortages and more. The slides for the presentations are available below:


Session 1: Anticoagulant safety and stewardship






Health Service anticoagulation stewardship programs and challenges

1. Anticoagulation Stewardship Program, Alfred Health

Hadley Bortz, Senior Pharmacist - Anticoagulation Stewardship, Alfred Health

2. Anticoagulation Stewardship (ACS) Program, Monash Health

Tass Nalpantidis, Lead Anticoagulation Stewardship Haematologist, Monash Health

3. Northern Health Anticoagulation Stewardship Program

Justin Neagle, Anticoagulation Stewardship Pharmacist, Northern Health

Session 2: Medication risks at transitions of care









Medication risks at transition of care: Hospital to Community

Professor Lena Sanci, Chief GP Advisor, Victorian Department of Health; Chair and Head, Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Melbourne

Hospital pharmacy perspectives

1. Pharmacist facilitated discharge prescriptions

Kerryn Griffett, Deputy Director of Pharmacy (Clinical), Royal Melbourne Hospital

2. Transitions of care initiatives at Peninsula Health

Lynette Ear, Acting Senior Pharmacist for Acute Medicine, Peninsula Health

3. Medication risks at transitions of care regional/rural

Brianna Leat, Acting Director of Pharmacy, Echuca Regional Health

Session 3: High cost medicines - Equity of access and sustainability





Overview of governance and evaluation in South Australia

Naomi Burgess, Chief Pharmacist, Department of Health and Wellbeing, South Australia Health

High-cost medicines: Overview of CATAG Guiding Principles and Victoria's current state of play

Dr David Liew, Clinical Pharmacologist and Rheumatologist; Project Lead, Medicines Optimisation Service, Austin Health

Session 4: Managing critical medicines shortages







Role of the Medicine Advisory Working Group

Professor Michael Dooley, Director of Pharmacy, Alfred Health; Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Centre for Medicine Use and Safety; Adjunct Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University

Managing critical medicines shortages

Kate Warren, Director, Supply Chain Surety, Health Share Victoria (HSV)

Management of medication shortages in New South Wales (NSW)

Bayan Hosseini, Senior Improvement Lead Medicines Critical Response and Governance, Clinical Excellence Commision, NSW